Of course they are completely incapable of doing this or electing leaders who are not wedded to its past. In the leadership election held on September 25 party members voted to take a straight path to the past electing Sadakazu Tanigaki who has held cabinet posts in previous LDP governments. This despite its younger members advocating for such a break.
Mr. Tanigaki as lived up to the utter stupidity of of previous LDP leaders like Shinso Abe and Junichiro Koizumi and visited Yasakuni shrine in Tokyo in which several class A War Criminals are interred. Yesterday this complete moron topped any stupid statement ever made by Taro Aso when in made this comment about Prime Minister Yukio Hatayama's policy speech before Japan's Diet.
Sadakazu Tanigaki, head of the opposition LDP, said the premier’s speech lacked specifics and made a historical comparison to describe cheers from Hatoyama’s fellow lawmakers during the speech.
“I got the impression that the atmosphere in parliament was similar to the Hitler Youth agreeing to Hitler’s speech.”
Yea, just like the Hitler Youth because they agreed with the policies outlined by their parties leader and the countries duly elected Prime Minister.