Sunday, November 1, 2009

Afghan Elections Abdullah Abdullah With Drawls

Abdullah Abdullah Afghan President Harmid Karzai's opponent in the upcoming Presidential elections has withdrawn his candidacy do to concerns over election fraud which occurred on a large scale during the first round of voting.

When the massive fraud was exposed critics accused the UN of covering up the widespread discrepancies in the vote tabulations. Kai Eide is the special representative of the secretary-general for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).
"Some of these allegations are based on private conversations whilst he was a guest in my home for two months," the Norwegian diplomat said, referring to Galbraith. "My view is that private discussions around the dinner table remain just that: private."

Peter Galbraith the top American Representative for the UN Mission in Afghanistan was fired after he exposed the widespread voter fraud.
"I think it's astonishing that the United Nations would dismiss an official because he was concerned about fraud in a UN-funded and UN-supported election," Mr Galbraith told The Times yesterday from his farmhouse in Vermont.

With Dr. Abdullah's with drawl Harmid Karzai is assured reelection as the run-off election will be cancelled. Considering that it was Karzai's political operation that is alleged to have committed the fraud along with allegations that his brother Ahmed Wali has been on the C.I.A pay roll for the last 8 years along with rumors of his involvement in the drugs trade yet Harmid Karzai has the complete backing of the American government.


RiaD said...

This makes no sense to me.
They dismiss the one who brought allegations of fraud, the opponent steps down... so the 'bad' guy wins.
And how can one have expectation of privacy when discussing CRIMINAL activities? Even lawyers are required to divulge such conversations with clients, otherwise it's collusion or guilty by association or something.

Nagaura said...

What's unfortunate is that America has a history of this. Especially in Central and South America. Along with several countries in Africa at the height of the Cold War.

RiaD said...

I'm finding out that America is not at all what I was led to believe it was while growing up.
I am not at all proud of what we've done/are doing around the world.
I do not at all understand this need/desire to run everything 'our' way never taking into account the beliefs/cultures of the people we are oppressing.
i don't know how or if we citizens can ever change this without destroying the country in the process.....& maybe destroying the country & the ruling class would really be best in the long run.
we are no longer a democratic republic. it's all just a show, i think, making us believe we have power to vote people in or out of office. i'm starting to think these decisions are really made by the elite uber rich heads of companies. and we, the commoners, are just the pawns in their power games.

RiaD said...

i think most americans have NO real idea of what goes on...and no desire to know!
they are content to watch their stupid "reality" TV shows & read about movie/sports/music stars. as long as they can continue in their comfortable lifestyle they will remain content & ignorant.
