Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bill Maher: America's Syria policy makes it look like George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman, a schoolyard bully, and Zeus. Those are just a few of the choice words Bill Maher used to describe the United States' bomb-happy foreign policies on Friday night's "Real Time." At the end of his "New Rules," Maher weighed in on the Syria debate by asking why the U.S. seems to feel an obligation to intervene (a.k.a. bomb) a new Middle Eastern country every few years, and insisted that we won't feel safe from terrorism until we stop.
"Forget the Syria debate, we need to debate on why we're always debating whether to bomb someone," Maher said. "Because we're starting to look, not so much like the world's policeman, but more like George Zimmerman -- itching to use force and then pretending it's because we had no choice."

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