Tuesday, October 1, 2013

America Shows The World: How Not To Govern

The 2012 campaign for President as far as the Republican's were concerned was about the Affordable Healthcare Act and bill passed by the then Democratic  controlled House and Senate and signed into law by President Obama in March of 2010.

Since then the Republicans who regained control of the House of Representatives following the 2010 midterm elections vowed to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act.   On 41 separate occasions they voted to repeal the health care law unfortunately for them it was just tilting at windmills as the Senate refused to even consider taking up the bill.

So, here is America with a government that is shut down  because one the Republicans refuse to accept that President Obama won reelection and want to nullify the election. Two the Affordable Healthcare Act has gone into effect with the opening of healthcare exchanges which allows people to go on line and select the plan which best suits them.  

Republicans, especially those elected in 2010 with the backing of the so called Tea Party which in reality is just an extreme right wing version of the Republican party.   Having won election they came to Washington with a vision that could only be described as delusional.

 Social Security  enacted during the Roosevelt administration during the Great Depression  to provide a pension for those over 65

Medicare which was signed into law by President Johnson is meant as means for those with low incomes and the retired so that they can have affordable care. Yes, its a single payer healthcare system.

Medicaid is for low income families that can't afford to buy health insurance.

They also want to give those in the highest income brackets tax breaks and to remove all restrictions on Wall Street.

America has been taken hostage by a small group of very conservative Republicans who don't believe in government and want to destroy it and replace with some weird Ayn Rand vision of government.


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