Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Censorship in China: A game of cat and mouse

What are the Chinese authorities doing to keep rumours in check and the media under control?
While the freight train of Chinese development powers into the 21st century, complex social, political and economic forces are shaping a new China - one that President Xi Jinping hoped would be the foundation for a "Chinese Dream" when he made his inaugural speech as president in March 2013. But while Xi and the Communist Party may speak from the highest platform, they are increasingly obliged to listen to a different national conversation - one that takes place on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter-like microblogging service, which doubles as one of the world's biggest rumour mill. Until recently, Weibo censorship has been a matter of stamping out sensitive terms as and when they emerge. Reports suggest the state may employ as many as two million "public opinion analysts" in this game of semantic "whack-a-mole".

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