Monday, January 6, 2014

Dennis Rodman back in North Korea

Basketball star leads entourage of former NBA players for exhibition game to mark birthday of ruler Kim Jong-un

One has to ask is Dennis Rodman this naive about the situation in North Korea not just with its plethora of human rights abuses but its failed economy and deprivation faced by its citizens?  When looking at pictures released by the government you see people who healthy and seemingly happy what of those hidden from the cameras. Who face starvation and repression because they for reasons only known to the government are accused of crimes against the state.  Crimes which exist only the minds of those with the authority to make them up.   

Rodman claims that he's doing this so as to hopefully bring the two nations together.  

     Rodman travelled to Pyongyang, the capital, via Beijing with a squad of a dozen former basketball stars including Vin Baker and Cliff Robinson in what he calls "basketball diplomacy", although US officials have criticised his efforts."It's about trying to connect two countries together in the world, to let people know that: do you know what? Not every country in the world is that bad, especially North Korea," Rodman said in Beijing before his flight to North Korea.
"People say so many negative things about North Korea. And I want people in the world to see it's not that bad."
Its time for Dennis Rodman to wake up to the realities of North Korea and ask himself does he really want to be associated with a world leader who imprisons 10's of thousands of its citizens and not just those accused of the crime but their entire extended family.
Defectors have repeatedly testified about the North Korean government's alleged use of indiscriminate killings, rapes, beatings and prison camps holding as many as 120,000 people deemed opponents of authoritarian leader Kim Jong-un, the third generation of his family to rule. Rodman has been criticised for his steadfast refusal to use his trips as an opportunity to discuss these issues.

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