Monday, April 14, 2014

Mike Huckabee American Politician Just Adores Freedom Loving North Korea

Mike Huckabee is the former Republican governor of the American state of Arkansas and Presidential candidate who during a speech at a conservative conference made the following statement:

   Huckabee: "I'm beginning to think theres more freedom in North Korea sometimes than there is in the United States." Cites TSA patdowns.
“When I go to the airport, I have to get in the surrender position, people put hands all over me, and I have to provide photo ID and a couple of different forms and prove that I really am not going to terrorize the airplane – but if I want to go vote I don’t need a thing," he continued, according to MSNBC.
 TSA is the Transportation Security Administration which provides security at American airports came into being following the attacks of 11 September 2001 is what Mike Huckabee is referencing whilst trying to prove rampant voter fraud exists due to a complete lack of security.  What he really means is that minorities are allowed to vote and they shouldn't have that privilege.

So,  Mike Huckabee equates these polar opposite situations with the lost of personal freedom and  declares that North Korea one of, if not the most repressive government in world allows its citizens more freedoms than exists in America.  Don't be shocked or surprised American conservatives seem to have a certain infatuation with authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin.         

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