Tuesday, June 9, 2015

China's Super Mums

101 East explores the tradition of confinement for new mothers in modern China and the growing industry behind it.

Zhang Shasha stares out the window at a rare, blue, Beijing sky. "Next week I can go out," she says. "I miss outside!"

But for now, she has to remain indoors, wrapped in a thick sweater and woolen hat, even though it is a warm spring day.

Deeply rooted in Chinese culture, women have observed zuoyuezi, or the "sitting the month," for generations.

Considered crucial for new mothers and their babies, they are expected to remain indoors for at least one month after giving birth, following a strict and elaborate set of rules like not washing their hair and eating pigs feet soup.

But this age-old ritual has now become a big business in modern China with wealthy women hiring professional confinement ladies to help them navigate this fraught period.

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