Monday, August 17, 2015

Feel The Fear Feel The Hate: Fear Mongering The Iran Nuke Deal

Just how far will those opposed to the Iran nuclear deal go to achieve their goal of destroying this diplomatic breakthrough?  Further than one might have ever suspected.  
The World Values Network led by Rabbi Shmuly Boteach has published a full page ad which manages to conflate Barack Obama with Neville Chamberlain and Iran with Hitler's Germany.  Here's the money quote:
We implore you to kill the deal with Iran. Before Iranian nukes kill millions of Americans

Forgetting for a moment that Iran doesn't currently have any nuclear weapons what would they gain by attacking the U.S. or Israel for that matter with these imaginary weapons?  Iran would cease to exist given that American military doctrine insures that if nuclear weapons are used against America or its allies they will respond in kind.

Opponents of thisdeal have but one weapon, fear if there is any hope of killing it.

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