Sunday, August 27, 2017

Duterte's war on drugs and those reporting it

What's behind the Philippine president's war on the media and NGOs? Plus, reporting on the working class in the US.

Duterte's war on drugs and those reporting it

Since coming to power last June, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has been on a mission to eradicate what he claims is the country's pandemic drug problem.
The brutal crackdown on the drug trade in the country is showing no signs of slowing down. Last week, 58 alleged drug dealers and users were killed in and around the capital, Manila. One of the victims, a 17-year-old, made headlines. Police say he was killed in a two-way firefight. Eyewitnesses, backed by CCTV footage, tell a different story.
President Rodrigo Duterte has dismissed the killings of children as "collateral damage" while labelling anyone who criticises his deadly approach as an "enemy of the state".

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