Saturday, December 30, 2017

Six In The Morning Saturday December 30

Trump warns Iran 'world is watching' amid rare protests

The US has warned Iran to respect people's right to protest as rare anti-government rallies, which began over the high cost of living, grip cities in the Islamic Republic. 
About 300 people protested in Kermanshah, a city in western Iran, on Friday, according to the semi-state news agency Fars. Police there used water cannon and tear gas to disperse demonstrators.
Protests also broke out in the capital Tehran, according to social media.

The year of Trump has laid bare the US constitution’s serious flaws

I once wrote a hymn of praise to the achievements of the founding fathers. There’s still much to celebrate – but their inspirational vision needs an urgent update

There’s a million things to love about Hamilton, the musical that has opened in London to reviews as glowing as those that greeted its debut on Broadway. The lyrics are so ingenious, so intricate and dexterous, that the show’s creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, has a claim to be among the most exciting writers, in any medium, in the world today. Rarely have I seen an audience delight in the tricks and rhyming pyrotechnics of language the way I saw a preview audience react to Hamilton a fortnight ago.
As I say, there are countless other pleasures. The staging is inventive, the melodies memorable and, by having black and minority ethnic actors play Alexander Hamilton and his fellow founding fathers, the musical instantly offers a powerful new take on America’s tragic, enduring flaw: race. But it was the idealism of the show – which venerates Hamilton and George Washington and unabashedly romanticises the revolution that birthed the United States of America – that struck a particular chord for me.

From fighting 'Islamic State' to rotting in Iraqi jail

Foreign fighters against "Islamic State" have been subjected to heavy mistreatment in Iraqi Kurdish prisons. Karlos Zurutuza and Ferran Barber spoke with western volunteers, and recounted months spent in jail.
On a blank sheet of paper, Marcos sketches the plan of the Kurdish prison where he spent 95 days in captivity.
"Just picture more than a hundred people inside a 65-square-meter [700 square foot] cell! We had to lie on our sides against each other to sleep, or even remain seated," the 47-year-old Spaniard told DW from his home in Rabanales, a village in northwestern Spain.
Marcos, whose codename was "Dr. Delil," was one of three Spaniards imprisoned last August in the Irbil General Security Directorate, a huge compound in the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan (KRG). He had served as a paramedic in the Sinjar Resistance Units (YBS), a Yazidi armed group set up to protect this minority against radical Islamists, namely the "Islamic State" (IS) group.

A look back at the key words of 2017, from 'covfefe' to youthquake

Several new words made their way into the lexicon in 2017 while others were inadvertently invented. FRANCE 24 takes a look back at some of the terms that helped define the year.

US President Donald Trump is no stickler for traditional spelling and usage, but when he tweeted the word “covfefe” in May, millions were baffled. “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” he wrote. The typo inspired a night of social media speculation before it was deleted and replaced with a tweet reading: “Who can figure out the true meaning of ‘covfefe’?”. Needless to say, the internet had a few suggestions.

The president of the United States is not well. That is an uncomfortable thing to say, but it is an even worse thing to ignore.
Consider the interview Trump gave to the New York Times on Thursday. It begins with a string of falsehoods that make it difficult to tell whether the leader of the free world is lying or delusional. Remember, these are President Donald Trump’s words, after being told a recording device is on:
Virtually every Democrat has said there is no collusion. There is no collusion. And even these committees that have been set up. If you look at what’s going on — and in fact, what it’s done is, it’s really angered the base and made the base stronger. My base is stronger than it’s ever been. Great congressmen, in particular, some of the congressmen have been unbelievable in pointing out what a witch hunt the whole thing is. So, I think it’s been proven that there is no collusion.

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