Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Americas Primary Season

The American election cycle is always interesting in that what is important usually turns out to be irreverent. Take the term flip flop for example: For that term applies to someone who truly can't make a decision about the simplest of issues. Yet in politics that term is used like one might use a gun. An example: Former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina voted for the law which authorized the use of force in Iraq. Over time John Edwards position on that resolution changed coming out against the war. For most people that would show an ability to analyze a previous position find fault with it and admit it. That shows growth as a person. In the world of partisan politics that was called Flip Flopping In May of 2004 a group financed by T Bone Pickens called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth launched a series of attacks against Senator John Kerry for his actions during his service in Vietnam. That none of what this group published or the television ads they produced were completely untrue didn't matter to the American media or anyone else it was a Good Story. Therefore it was OK to perpetuate the lie.

Once again its primary season and the stupidity has come fast and often. John Edwards was back in the news for his alleged $400 haircut. Did it matter that this particular hair-cut was provided at 11pm by his special request which required a hairstylist to come to the hotel on their time-off? Of course not it was a $400 hair-cut given to a "rich" Trail Lawyer. Like a nightmare that never goes way it will live for ever.

For reasons that just escape me two the most "important issues" concerning Hillary Clinton's campaign are neck lines and her marriage to Bill. Now I know her marriage to Bill Clinton has never been the subject of any investigations, newspaper, magazine, blog posts or books. Yet again and again Americas mainstream media for reasons all their own keep publishing stories on these two subjects. Will Hillary's fashion sense impare her ability to govern? Somehow I think not. Just her marriage to Bill Clinton isn't as important as how she'll govern the country.

Ah the silly season when all the important issues are brought to the forefront by the lazy American Media.

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