Monday, May 16, 2011

Fukushima No.1 Core Melted 16 Hours After The Earthquake

As more information comes forward concerning TEPCO's Fukushima-Daichi following damage sustained after being hit by a 10 meter tsunami and the 9.0 earthquake on March 11. It's apparent TEPCO from the start held back or hid information about the threats posed to the Japanese public. Such behavior is part of the corporate culture in Japan but especially pervasive in the nuclear industry which colludes with the government to insure its continued existence.

On Saturday the Asahi Shinbun published an internal TEPCO memo which describes the amount of radiation being admitted by the damaged power plants. At the time TEPCO insisted that radiation levels while high didn't exceed government levels of exposure. Expect it was a lie as levels were hundreds of times higher than the public was led to believe.

Today the Japan Times is reporting that the meltdown at Fukushima's number plant occurred less than 24 hours after the earthquake and tsunami.

The core of the heavily damaged reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant is believed to have melted 16 hours after the March 11 mega-quake and tsunami rocked the complex in northeastern Japan.

Preliminary analysis shows that No. 1 had already entered a critical state by 6:50 a.m. on March 12, with most of its fuel having melted and fallen to the bottom of the pressure vessel, the plant operator said. Tepco released data Thursday showing some of the fuel rods had melted

TEPCO's incompetence and inability to deal with the situation at Fukushima leaves one wondering why outside experts haven't been brought in to take control of crisis management removing TEPCO from any further dealings with resolving any present or future problems which may occur.

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