Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Will The Truth About Fukushima Ever Come Out?

As it became public that the Daiichi-Fukushima nuclear power had been damaged by the March 11 tsunami Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO) has constantly obstructed the release of information concerning not just the condition of those plants but the health risks posed by them.

A few examples:
TEPCO's one page disaster plan

Concealed when the meltdown began

Failed to provide popper safety equipment for its workers

Allowed radioactive water to be released into the ocean without informing neighboring countries

Then there is this information released today.
Fukushima nuclear plant may have suffered 'melt-through', Japan admits

Molten nuclear fuel in three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant is likely to have burned through pressure vessels, not just the cores, Japan has said in a report in which it also acknowledges it was unprepared for an accident of the severity of Fukushima.

It is the first time Japanese authorities have admitted the possibility that the fuel suffered "melt-through" – a more serious scenario than a core meltdown.

The report, which is to be submitted to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said fuel rods in reactors No 1, 2 and 3 had probably not only melted, but also breached their inner containment vessels and accumulated in the outer steel containment vessels.

I'm sure that what's really happening at the Daiichi-Fukushima will never fully be known as those with vested interests won't allow that information to see the light of day.

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