Tuesday, August 16, 2011

World Media And Michele Bachmann

On Saturday August 13 an event took place in the American state of Iowa which in the scheme of things political and presidential was utterly meaningless. The happening? The Ames Iowa Straw Poll. Started in 1979 the first poll was won by George H.W. Bush who did not become the Republican nominee for president. Which was Ronald Reagan. Given all the hyperventilating by the worlds media you woud have thought she had just become President of the United States even though that election is more than a year away. How important is the Ames Straw poll to Republican politics? About zero. Those oh so important votes and voters are bought and paid for by those willing to particpate. Each vote costs $30 of which Michele Bachmann's purchased 6,000 handing them out to those who wished to take part in this complete farce.

The worlds media outlets acted like they just seen a miracle when all they witnessed was the purchase of victory by woman who what said that certain members of the House of Representatives should be investigated for being Un-American or once told her supporters not to fill out the 2010 U.S. Census Forms because it was unconstitutional even the census and the reasons for are written into the U.S. Constitution. It wasn't until she realized that the Census determined the number of house seats allocated to each stae by population size that Michele Bachmann suddenly changed her mind.

The worlds media loving the Lunatic Fringe.

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