Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Needs Leaders: Just Ask The Media

According to the media there corporate overloads and political leaders Occupy Wall Street needs leaders.  Without leaders minds will explode as theses poor confused souls have no one to directly  blame for the emergence of a organic grassroots organization with real grievousness towards a world financial system which allowed the worlds economy reach an abyss which it was almost unable to climb out of, yet if one listens to the powers that be it really wasn't their fault.

Leaderless the Occupy Wall Street movement as grown from a few dozen dedicated activists occupying a small park in New York to a world wide protest seeking redress from the perpetrators of the biggest robbery in known history.

To the political, financial and corporate media morons Occupy Wall Street doesn't need a hierarchical top down leadership structure  so that you can live within your inward looking comfort zone.  Your comfort zone isn't important to them what is important that the excesses of the last 30 years be reigned in through appropriate regulation.  That you actually listen to the people. You remember the people the average person whom without none of you Robber Barons would have achieved such unspeakable wealth.

So be afraid and feel the uncertainty of what is to come. Remember

99% is a Hell of a lot Bigger than 1%    

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