Monday, October 24, 2011

Republican Presidential Candidates or Send In The clowns

Here’s something to consider the American campaign for President has begun in earnest with the Republican party heading towards their first primary vote early next year. Yet, if you’d been paying attention one would’ve noticed Republicans seeking the right to challenge Barrack Obama began announcing their candidacies late in 2010. Those seeking the Republican nomination are an interest group;
Michelle Bachman is a Congresswoman who Represents Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District. Last summer she won the Iowa Straw Poll which if didn’t understand the process might believe that to be an important step towards the nomination. Except the Iowa Straw Poll is an exercise in vote buying. What the candidates do is pay voters to vote for them. The Straw Poll is meaningless. Michelle Bachman’s claim to fame can be traced to various statements she has made which under normal scrutiny would invalidate any chance she may have had to even consider running for President of the United States

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told the Washington Times that she and her family will not be fully filling out the 2010 census forms. Bachmann, a Republican, said her family will only be indicating the number of people in the household, because "the Constitution doesn't require any information beyond that." Bachmann believes the upcoming census to be "very intricate" and "very personal" and expresses concerns about ACORN's involvement in the data collection. The community organizing program came under scrunity after charges of voter registration fraud during the 2008 presidential elections. "I think what the threat of ACORN would be deluding the ballot box and the effectiveness of our vote," she said. "They will be in charge of going door to door and collecting data from the American public, this is very concerning."

Just a couple of small problems with her stance: 1 The right of the government to collect census data was written into the Constitution and that is how Congressional seats are allocated to the states based on population. Then there is this. Bachmann Calls For McCarthyite Investigation Into Anti-American Activities Of Liberals
Appearing on MSNBC’s Hardball today, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) attacked the patriotism of Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), based on his alleged relationship to former Weather Underground member William Ayers and the values of Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. “I’m very concerned that he may have anti-American views,” said Bachmann. “That’s what the American people are concerned about.” She then went further, suggesting that all liberal views — held by people such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, professors, and all Americans who identify themselves as “liberals” — are “anti-American.” When host Chris Matthews, stunned by her remarks, asked Bachmann how many people in Congress hold anti-American views, she responded, “You’ll have to ask them.” Bachmann called on the media to conduct investigations into the anti-American activities of members of Congress, similar to Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s discredited House Un-American Activities Committee hearings in the 1950s. “I think people would love to see an exposé like that,” she claimed. Watch it:

Rick Perry is currently the Governor of the state of Texas who announced his run at a national pray for America in Huston Texas in early August claiming that America is a Christian nation in need of God’s help. Governor Perry of course is wrong as the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution expressly forbids the formation of or the endorsement of a national religion. Rick Perry Goes Birther: After Meeting With Trump, ‘I Don’t Know’ If Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Real
In April, in an effort to appease a vocal group of conspiracy theorists who believe President Obama was not born in the United States, Obama released his “long-form” birth certificate from Hawaii. That wasn’t enough, however, to convince Rick Perry. In an interview with PARADE Magazine, Perry said that he recently met with Donald Trump and discussed the issue. Perry stated that he doesn’t “have a definitive answer” on whether Obama was born in the United States or “any idea” if Obama’s birth certificate is real.
Gov. Perry has several advocated for Texas to secede from the United States even though that is no longer possible following the conclusion of America’s Civil War in 1865.
Gov. Rick Perry on Thursday stuck by his earlier statement that Texas can secede from the United States — a far-reaching, legally questionable prospect that nevertheless drew Perry a fresh favorable mention by Rush Limbaugh, one of the nation's leading conservative voices.

Mitt Romney is the former Governor of Massachusetts who is running for president for the second time. He is also the founder of Bain Capital which is a Hedge Fund management company. Last summer during a campaign stop Mitt Romney in an exchange with a voter said 'Corporations are people' too In stating that corporations’ are people too he was correct given two U.S. Supreme Court rulings Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad and Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Mitt Romney has attacked President Obama over the Health Care Reform bill passed last year by Congress. Except that the legislation passed into law was model after the Health Care Reform bill enacted while he was still Governor of Massachusetts.

The field as a whole have made some fairly extreme pronouncements. They would like to have law passed which states that life begins a conception, outlaw gay through a Constitutional Amendment, eliminate the departments of Education and Labor and the Environmental Protection Agency which was created by a Republican, Richard Nixon. So, are these candidates speaking too? If you didn’t know better you believe it was the entire Republican party but that wouldn’t be correct. They are speaking to an extremely conservative and small if not fringe of the party whom are the most active in Republican politics and vote in the primary elections which will select the person who will challenge President Obama in next years election. Which is quite confusing for those of us living outside America but interested who becomes the next President as the reality is this. Those extreme views and policy positions would never fly with the main stream of the Republican party or a majority of voting American’s

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