Sunday, January 29, 2012

Arianna Huffington: Beyond Left and Right

Arianna Huffington, the co-founder of The Huffington Post, the online home for hundreds of journalists and opinionated celebrities, is. She tells Al Jazeera: "I don't see American politcs as a left-right game. I think that in fact when we continue to see it as a left-right game we are having a much harder time laying out the choices for the American people. Caring for the middle class, caring for jobs, wanting to prioritise that - is that a left-wing position? Shouldn't everybody care about that?... I think we are using these terms in a way which has made this type of national conversation much, much harder to have and which really marginalises issues." Born in Greece, Arianna Huffington emigrated to the US where she married former US Congressman Michael Huffington. After their divorce she embarked on her own political career, running for the governorship of California in 2003.

Many on the American left seem to have little respect for Arianna Huffington or the Huffington Post. They it view as nothing more than a tabloid at best. Before deciding that she was a "liberal" Arianna Huffington frequently appeared on American television as a conservative commentator.

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