Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yes. American's Are Being Spied On

Many look upon America with its Constitution and Bill Rights and see rights and responsibilities guaranteed under the rule of law.  Yet, since the end of World War II America's law enforcement agencies have been caught again and again conducting illegal investigations. Following the September 11 attacks the United States Senate and House of Representatives passed and then President George W. Bush signed into law the USA Patriot Act which unbeknownst to the public allow the for the tapping of phones, the searching of homes and business's without court ordered warrants. After holding on the story for more than a year the New York Times published an article exposing the programs being run illegally by the government.   

Today once again  an exclusive lead story in Sunday's New York Times  along with  a report
 prepared by 35 American Civil Liberties offices which shows through information requests
 that over 380 state and local law enforcement agencies  secretly and routinely track thousands of Americans without authorization from the courts or warrants as required by the U.S. Constitution. 

 Approximately two weeks ago, we learned, via James Bamford's stunning cover story in Wired Magazine, of the details relating to our government's multi-billion-dollar, extremely stealthy effort to build a state-of-the-art data center outside of Salt Lake City. The project's called "Stellar Wind." When it's completed (it’s scheduled for completion sometime next year), it will be able to warehouse, track, cross-reference and apply analytical modelling protocols to virtually every email, phone call and encrypted (or otherwise) database/dataset in the world.

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