Friday, August 31, 2012

Korea: Wired

It is a spectacular collision of real and virtual worlds and the consequences are potentially earth shattering.

On the one side, there is South Korea - the most wired place on earth, with an internet that sizzles into 90 per cent of all homes and a national obsession with internet games. 

On the other, there is North Korea - one of the most paranoid and dangerously unpredictable places on earth, with a million-strong army and, as this film reveals, a super-secret team of state-authorised hackers looking to bring chaos to its neighbour and beyond.

In South Korea, millions are addicted to the action unfolding on their screens - games bristling with powerful weaponry, requiring lightning-fast trigger skills to survive and played out on virtual battle grounds.

Internet gaming is a massive phenomenon in a country with super-fast internet, with its own superstars, big bucks and even its own top-rating television shows

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