Sunday, August 17, 2014

Watch Live Stream of the Protests In Ferguson Missouri : National Guard Ordered Onto Streets of Ferguson, Missouri


Missouri's governor ordered the National Guard onto the streets of Ferguson early Monday after another night of violence following the shooting of an unarmed black teen by police in the St. Louis suburb. "Tonight, a day of hope, prayers, and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organized and growing number of individuals, many from outside the community and state, whose actions are putting the residents and businesses of Ferguson at risk," Gov. Jay Nixon said in a statement. "Given these deliberate, coordinated and intensifying violent attacks on lives and property in Ferguson, I am directing the highly capable men and women of the Missouri National Guard to assist ... in restoring peace and order to this community.”

The St. Louis suburb has been roiled by unrest following the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown last weekend. Earlier, the Highway Patrol captain appointed to oversee security in Ferguson defended using tear gas as part of the police response violence which erupted Sunday night.

Three hours ahead of curfew, Saint Louis County Police tweeted that "a molotov cocktail was thrown" and ordered everyone to go home. Then tear gas started flying along with sound cannons and other assorted weapons. All from the police toward the protesters.

As of right now, I'm unable to find any evidence that any molotov cocktails were thrown beyond the tweet. And even if they were, is this the appropriate response?

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