Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Japanese Justice Minister See's No Reason to Outlaw Hate Speech

Yoko Kamikawa Japans new Minister of Justice sees no reason to outlaw hate speech.  She feels it would infringe upon a persons right to express their hatred for other ethnic groups.  As if hate speech has never helped to insight violence against various minorities or political opponents. 1930's Germany, China in the mid 1950's and 1960's America following the Civil War.    

On hate speech, she said that while vilifying an ethnic minority and calling for its extermination is “extremely disappointing,” Japan must protect freedom of expression.
Kamikawa was apparently referring to racist rallies organized by far-right activists targeting, among others, ethnic Korean residents.
“Such acts instigate public hatred, and I believe they are an egregious problem,” Kamikawa said.
But she said criminalizing hate speech would risk infringing on the legitimate right to free speech, a position taken by other ministers in recent times.

She finds these statements "extremely disappointing" that's like expressing regret over a simple mistake you once made.  

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