Wednesday, November 5, 2014

This Is What Happens When People Are Too Discouraged To Vote

The U.S. just completed its 2014 midterm elections with the Republicans retaining control of the House and gaining control of the Senate.  What this means,  Republicans now have the ability to endlessly investigate President Obama over the most trivial of matters.  That in all the other investigations by the House Government and Oversight Committee, Intelligence Committee, investigations into the misuse of the IRS and ATF program called Fast and Furious began during the Presidency of George W. Bush  absolutely no wrongdoing was found to have taken place.        

Republicans have over the last several days sensing victory have floated the idea of impeachment once again even though there is clear evidence that President Obama has broken no laws.  One might conclude that impeachment could become a reality once the new Congress is seated in January 2015.

Conservatives have long sought to cease funding these departments: Education, Commerce, Energy, and especially the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as they have statutory authority to issue environmental regulations without the consent of Congress.  The more extreme of their number want to close the Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS.

American conservatives are climate change deniers. Having gained a majority in the Senate Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma who has stated climate change is the largest hoax in history is set to become Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works. In that position Sen. Inhofe could do considerable damage to U.S. environmental policy.          

American voters learned long ago that their voice in the governance is near zero given the dynamics of campaign funding which gives disporinal weight to corporations who, along with their lobbyists are some the few which are able to fund reelection efforts. That's why people in America don't vote. As a rather simplified explanation.  

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