Monday, January 26, 2015

Reporting the Baga massacre

How has the media covered the latest Boko Haram attack? Plus, the Charlie Hebdo story through the eyes of cartoonists.

Events in Paris and reactions to them have dominated international headlines over the past weeks while another story that had cost far more lives has received far less media attention.

On January 3, the Nigerian armed group Boko Haram carried out what could well be its deadliest attack - but that depends on where you get your news. Some news organisations have put the death toll as high as 2,000; the Nigerian military puts it at 150 and that discrepancy gets to the heart of the problem with this story.

Facts are hard to verify since events are taking place in areas under the control of Boko Haram who have proved in the past to be hostile to the news media. Mobile phones and the internet are also unusable, making satellite pictures the only source of visual information.

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