Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuna: End of the line

101 East dives into the waters surrounding Palau, a Pacific island nation fighting to save its unique marine life.

They are among the world's most sought-after fish.

Prized by sushi and sashimi restaurants, demand for Pacific bluefin tuna has never been higher. Last year, a restaurant in Japan paid $1 million for one such fish.

It has been fished to within an inch of its existence, and there are fears it could become extinct.

One tiny island nation in the Pacific is desperately trying to stop that from happening. Palau's pristine waters are home to some of the most spectacular marine life on the planet. But for how much longer?

Foreign trawlers are plundering fish stocks, with the Pacific bluefin tuna most in demand. But the people of Palau are fighting back.

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