Thursday, March 24, 2016

Japan's Illegal Whaling Fleet Has Returned

After skipping a year due to pissing off the neighbours Japan once again sent forth its "research" whaling fleet to study, just how many minke whales can be killed  so that they keep killing minke whales.  How far does one have to stick their head up their ass to understand just how little your bullshit lies are working.  So, where does all this research end up? As school lunches because nobody wants to buy the whale meat.

Japan has confirmed whales were killed on its most recent “scientific” expedition in the Antarctic region.
Four survey ships from Japan’s Institute of Cetacean Research were in the Antarctic region over a period of 115 days from 1 December last year.
The institute’s report said 333 minke whales were captured, including pregnant females.
The Australian government has described Japan’s decision to resume whaling over the southern hemisphere summer as “deeply disappointing” and says it has raised concerns at the highest level of the Japanese government.

The other justification for conducting this assine research is to bolster Japan's whaling fleet and the "long" tradition of whaling in Japan which began a long time ago in a century far, far away. The late 19th century that is.

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