Saturday, December 15, 2018

What's More Important ? Japanese AV Or The Captured Suspect

While being a police officer is a stressful job and dangerous profession shouldn't a sworn officer have the public's need's for most  in their minds? For one Japanese police officer pursuing Japanese AV was far more important.

 Or, in the case of Junya Hida, all you have to do is wait for them to find some porn on their own.
Back on the night of August 12, the 30-year-old Hida, a rape and robbery suspect, was having a lengthy discussion with his lawyer at a police detention center in Osaka’s Tondabayashi neighborhood. No policemen were present in the room, and when the lawyer left the interview room, the door buzzer failed to sound, due to having no battery. The lawyer didn’t mention that he was leaving to any of the 20 or so officers on duty, either, and the unattended Hida used the opportunity to slip out of the building, going on the lam until he was finally caught again shoplifting food several prefectures over in Yamaguchi on September 29.
But even if no officers were in the interview room, someone should have been tasked with watching the door at least, right? Yep, and that duty, at the time, fell to a 40-something police sergeant. During a press conference following Hida’s recapture, the Osaka Prefectural Police said that the sergeant didn’t notice Hida’s escape because he had been looking at baseball news on his smartphone, in violation of procedures

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