Monday, April 27, 2020

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Watch T.V.

Who remembers several eons ago; you know last Saturday when the dotard in chief whining  like the petulant child that he is announced on twitter that the daily coronavirus briefings were a waste of time.  After being pilloried for suggesting that people use household cleaning fluids to combat the coronavirus.  Then to make sure America knew he was extra stupid he followed up with the suggestion that one could use UV light as a preventive coronavirus measure. Forgetting of  course (Not knowing.) that direct U.V. light exposure to your skin can be harmful.  Briefings for Saturday and Sunday were cancelled along with the daily schedule showing the Monday propaganda festival had also been cancelled. But wait, because Donald Trump's such a narcissist and can't live without being the center of his own attention changed his little pea brain and decided there would be a "press conference" about testing after all.

Hopefully  he won't go totally off the rails and announced that people should start taking Bella Donna, Hemlock or Cyanide to help cure the coronavirus.  

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