Thursday, April 30, 2020

Questions And Answers

Question: Was Mike Pence told he had to where a mask while visiting the Mayo clinic?
Answer: Of course not because his mommy didn't tell him too. Mommy knows best.

Question: Donald Trump will try and blame Don Quixote, The Wicked Witch of the West or Ren and Stimpy for his failure to get reelected?
Answer: No. He really, really wants to blame Xi Jinping.

Question: Is the state of Ohio the first state to have all mail in voting?
Answer: No. But you wouldn't know that from the way the media has been covering the vote.

Question: Did Sean Hannity gift tickets to healthcare workers for a Yankees game?
Answer: The fortunate 500 were given magical tickets to a nonexistent game.

Question: Will Lindsey Graham being playing a dead body in an upcoming melodrama?
Answer: Lindsey's dead body will be used to stop unemployment insurance.

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