Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Trump Announces A Further Expansion Of His Dictatorial Use Of DHS

Because Donald Trump want's to seen as the law & order occupier of the oval office he's decided to send officers form the Department of Homeland Security (Which was created to help prevent terrorists attacks in the U.S. following the attacks on September 11, 2001.) to Chicago and Albuquerque New Mexico. All in an effort to quell violent demonstrations and attacks on federal buildings and statues. Especially those celebrating the Confederate States of America. Because you know, "history."

These surges of federal law enforcement into these cities is just part of a political stunt to portray Democratic mayors and governors as soft on crime and to film these actions for use in future campaign adverts.     

Trump and Barr pin rise in violence on calls to defund police, but offer no evidence
Donald Trump and US Attorney General Bill Barr justified a "surge" of federal law enforcement into US cities that have demonstrated against police brutality, including Chicago, on a spike in violent crime, claiming that violence is a "direct result" of calls from protesters for police reforms.

Following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, "what we have seen then is a significant increase in violent crime in many cities, and this rise is a direct result of the attack on the police forces and the weakening of police forces," Barr said.

But no police forces have been weakened following protests, and amid several crisis – including widespread unemployment and a public health emergency and the overwhelming stress from a pandemic that has killed thousands of people and sickened countless others thus far – the president and his chief law enforcement official offered no evidence that connected protests to violent crime.

Because Donald Trump admires authoritarian like Vladimir Putin,  Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Kim-Jong un this his way of auditioning for membership in the dictators club. 

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