Saturday, October 31, 2020

Stanford study estimates 18 Trump rallies resulted in over 30,000 COVID-19 cases

 The study said 18 Trump campaign rallies, which took place between June 20 and September 22, led to "more than 700 deaths" among attendees and those they infected afterward. "In response to the paper, Trump campaign spokesperson Courtney Parella said, 'Americans have the right to gather under the First Amendment to hear from the President of the United States,'"

Americans have the first amendment right to die for Donald Trump is what that statement says. Remember 15 cases will soon be zero, I like it when the numbers don't go up. That's why those cruise passengers will remain on board. We've turned the corner on the coronavirus as more than 225, 000 people have died. With almost 1,000 new infections reported on Friday.

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