Tuesday, January 26, 2010

America Tells Japan How To Govern Okinawa

In 2006 the the Japanese government then controlled by the Liberal Democratic Party reached an agreement with the United States over the relocation of the Marine Corp Air Station at Futenma. A majority of Okinawans oppose the relocation of the air station any where within the Prefecture. Preferring that its operations be moved to Guam. When the Democratic Party of Japan won the August 2009 general election one of the main tenants of their platform was the relocation of the Futenma air station preferably to a location outside of Okinawa. Since that election Japan's new ruling party has sought to find a better solution to the air bases relocation one which doesn't impact the people of Okinawa. The United States government has instead of trying to find an equatable solution has instead made clear its their way or the highway.

On Sunday the city of Nago held a mayoral election which was won by Susumu Inamine who opposes the bases relocation from its present location at Ginowan to Nago where a new air field would be constructed by creating a large landfill which would destroy a large portion of pristine coast line.

Why is it only in America that elections have consequences? Why aren't the people of Okinawa allowed to have voice in the relocation process? As they are the ones most effected by the presence of United States Marines on their land. What gives the United States the right to dictate Japans' domestic policy especially in a case which by their actions impacts are large civilian population? If these same actions had been attempted in the U.S. it self would the federal government so easily dismiss the concerns of its own citizens? Of course not.
Because this something that the U.S. wants and it doesn't effect any voters they have little or no concern about the feelings or wish's for the people their policies will profoundly impact because they can't vote in U.S. elections.

1 comment:

RiaD said...

i am so ashamed of my country. maybe japan needs to demand a military base in hawaii??

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