Monday, January 11, 2010

North Korea Wants Peace Isn't That Nice

North Korea issued a statement on Monday about wanting to improve relations with the United United States by replacing the Armistice which ended the Korean War with a (Are you ready for it?) permanent Peace Treaty between the two nations. Given that North Korea has made similar pronouncements in the past which have resulted in absolutely nothing but further diplomatic recriminations between the two governments. With that history what could possibly make the North believe conditions have changed and the U.S. will just drop the conditions plainly stated over the last 6 years before any agreement can be reached.
As per usual the North wants what it always ask's for. Diplomatic Recognition, Economic Ties, An end to the sanctions, and a return to Six Party Talks without having to give up its nuclear weapons program.

North Korea is the biggest treat to stability and security in Northeast Asia and has an appalling Human Rights record which is another obstacle towards improving relations not only with the United States but a majority of the countries in the region.

North Korea wants peace only on their terms. Which means everybody except them must compromise on the relevant issues blocking an agreement.
Next week North Korea will treating to invade South Korea and the week after that who knows.

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