Thursday, March 3, 2011

America Is A Funny Place

They will tell you America is a Christian nation yet that isn't the truth
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Elected Republican politicians will tell you that American's education system is failing.
But Scott Walker Governor of Wisconsin wants to help that failure along.
Consider the new budget Gov. Scott Walker announced in Wisconsin on Tuesday. Among other things, he proposed cutting state aid to schools by $834 million over the next two years, a 7.9 percent reduction.

On top of that, Walker would make it harder for localities and school districts to make up for the shortfall by limiting their ability to raise property taxes.

One might think that given America's current fiscal problems not just at the National level but in the states as well one might consider ways to create new revenue streams. You would be wrong.
What's truly amazing, as reported recently, is the number of governors who are cutting taxes at the same time they are eviscerating programs. A particularly dramatic case is Florida's Republican Gov. Rick Scott. He faces a $3.5 billion budget gap - and is pushing for $2 billion in corporate and property tax cuts.

After Republicans regained control of the U.S. House of Representatives their number priority was Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! Somehow it hasn't quite worked out that way. The very first vote they took was to repeal the Healthcare Bill passed by the Democratic controlled House and Senate last March. That vote was followed by this:
The "people's house" recently voted to eliminate support for a federal family planning program begun under Republican President Richard Nixon. Title X provides low-income women with breast exams, cervical cancer screening, pregnancy prevention, counseling and tests for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

the House axed $50 million from the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant that supports states' pre-natal care programs, helping 2.5 million women, and annually assists 31 million predominantly special-needs kids.

It imposed a $1 billion cut in programs at the National Institutes of Health that aim to find causes and find strategies to prevent preterm birth. Almost $1 billion was slashed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for its preventive health programs.
What's odd is that none of the legislation passed by the House of Representatives has created a single job.

Governor Rick Scott of Florida rejected almost a billion dollars of Federal Stimulus Funds for High Speed Rail which would have created thousands of jobs that are desperately needed in his state. He's being sued by two State Senator's one Republican the other a Democrat so that those funds might be recovered.

Yes, America is a funny place

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