Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rush Limbaugh Launches Attacks In The Wake Of Natural Disasters In Japan

Rush Limbaugh is an American radio presenter who is also a racist

CALLER: I need some of your wisdom. I'm confused. If -- at the top of the first hour, you played a clip -- Diane Sawyer, I believe -- about the recycling that's still going on in Japan.

LIMBAUGH: I did. You're right.

CALLER: If these are the people that invented the Prius, have mastered public transportation, recycling, why did Mother Earth, Gaia if you will, hit them with this disaster?

LIMBAUGH: Well, that's an interesting question. Let's go back and grab Diane Sawyer -- audio sound bite number nine. This is her report on a shelter for refugees in Japan and how they're handling their waste management.

[begin clip]

DIANE SAWYER: This is a shelter. Some of these people here for days, and look, it's recycling -- organized for recycling.

GUEST: Plastic, combustible, burnable, canes.

[end clip]

LIMBAUGH: Did I really hear this? Did I really hear -- Diane Sawyer is in a refugee camp in Japan. Play this again. This is almost like a kindergarten teacher talking to the 4 year olds. That is how old you are in kindergarten, right? Five? Five? Four? All right. This is -- some of these people here for days, and look, look, it's recycling -- organized for recycling.

[begin clip]

SAWYER: This is a shelter. Some of these people here for days, and look, it's recycling -- organized for recycling.

GUEST: Plastic, combustible, burnable, canes.

[end clip]

LIMBAUGH: My god, she sounds like she saw her husband for the first time in six months there. Oh, it's recycling, look, organized for -- these people are in the midst of earthquake devastation and the credit they're getting is for recycling and our caller Chris with a great question.

The Japanese have done so much to save the planet. He's right. They've given us the Prius. Even now, refugees are still recycling their garbage. And yet, Gaia levels them; just wipes them out. Wipes out their nuclear plants, all kinds of radiation. What kind of payback is this? That is an excellent question. They invented the Prius.

In fact, where Gaia blew up is right where they make all these electric cars. That's where the tsunami hit. All those brand new electric cars sitting there on the lot. I like the way this guy was thinking. It's like -- it's like Gaia hit the Prius in [inaudible]. It's like they were in the crosshairs -- if we can use that word. It does. What is Gaia trying to tell us here? What is the mother of environmentalism trying to say with this hit? Great observation out there, Chris.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What exactly is racist about this?
