Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chen Guangcheng brother escapes to tell of baetings and reprisals

Chen Guangfu arrives in Beijing after following in activist's footsteps to seek help for arrested son

He offered a grim account of the repercussions of his younger brother's flight, saying plainclothes officers scaled the wall of his home and kicked the door in just after midnight on 27 April, after learning of Chen Guangcheng's escape a few days before. They hooded him and took him to a police building where they handcuffed him, chained his feet, slapped him and stamped on his feet, he said. They lifted his handcuffed hands behind him so that he could not sit straight and used his belt to whip his hands while they repeatedly demanded to know how his brother had got out.
The beatings lasted "a long time" and his left thumb lost feeling, he said.

 Chen Guangfu said his wife, Ren Zongju, told him that after he was taken away a second group of men – this time uniformed police with shields and truncheons – charged into the home and beat her and their son, who was bleeding and calling for help. It was around this time that Chen Kegui took a knife and slashed at three officials.

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