Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Muslim Brotherhood and Mubarak

With the first round of the presidential election in Egypt concluded the results show that the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate has a slim lead over Hosni Murbarak's last Prime Minister the media and the Right Wing in America will soon light the fear mongering rocket. The pontificating will range from here comes the Taliban to this is the Second Coming of Al Qaeda or perhaps the Mickey Mouse Club who knows? Whatever the out the come of Egypt's first free presidential election it isn't America's right to decide what is best for the Egyptian people that's up to them.
For years the Muslim Brotherhood was officially banned by Egypt's government, but following the 2011 revolution, the fall of Hosni Mubarak and the country's first free parliamentary elections, the Brotherhood - with its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party - has emerged as Egypt's most powerful political force. This film traces the Muslim Brotherhood's gradual integration into the Egyptian political system - despite the attempts of Mubarak to suppress the organisation during his 30-year rule. In a political game of cat-and-mouse, as the Brotherhood's influence grew, Mubarak sought to oppose its rise - even to the point of amending the constitution to ban religious-based political parties.

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