Friday, June 1, 2012

Communist Bicycles Invade Washington D.C.

Yes, They are "RED"

The red menace has finally  come to American shores even with the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Warsaw Pact the secret underhanded red menace has gained a beachhead or is that a red toe hold.   One can only imagine the horror to come with the red menace firmly entrenched upon American shores.  It will lead to secret socialist presidents and central planning.  Collective farms, group think and propaganda. Wait, that propaganda thing is already there. (See Republicans, Fox News and other major media outlets.).

With those "RED" Communist bicycles available for sharing on the mean political streets of Washington D.C. it will lead to the down fall of American civilization.  


Capital Bikeshare bike pod

 Unlike Sarah Palin or Tina Fey, or whoever it was, I really can see Russia from my front porch. Or, at least, I can see broken-down socialism.
That is because across the street from my house on Capitol Hill is a loud, clanging “Capital Bikeshare” docking station. It is one of the locking ports for those fat, red communal bicycles you see peddled all over town by commune enthusiasts. (Say that fast, and it sounds like you are saying “commun-ists.”)
 Yes, the RED's are here.
 The most obvious one is that you can check out a bike and pedal yourself anywhere your heart desires — so long as it happens to have a docking station for your bike. (The bikes don’t come with locks, and these geniuses haven’t yet eliminated bike theft — even of crappy, fat red ones.)
Well criminals need jobs too!
 This leads to another problem where all the bikes end up in a concentration of places. So at the end of the day, a belching environment-killing truck must come around and redistribute the bikes.
After early complaints about this problem, central planners did what central planners do. The program didn’t need to be eliminated. It needed to be — made bigger. 

There it is Central Planning followed by a 5 Year Plan. Boy those "RED's" sure are clever. Taking over the world one central plan at a time.

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