Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Water Cannon Is Bigger Than Your Water Cannon, Or

More fools try to show just how stupid they really are

A boat carrying Taiwanese activists headed for disputed Japanese-controlled islands turned back Thursday after coast guard vessels from the two sides converged and duelled with water cannon.
The boat, carrying seven people including four Taiwanese activists, abandoned a plan to land on the East China Sea islands after being blocked by Japanese coast guard vessels as it sailed within 17 nautical miles.
“We fired water cannons at each other,” Taiwanese coast guard spokesman Shih Yi-che said of the confrontation.
The disputed islands, in an area where the seabed is believed to harbor valuable mineral reserves, are known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese. Both China and Taiwan claim them.

It must be wonderful to have one's head stuck so far up their ass that cognitive reasoning takes a holiday.

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