Wednesday, June 25, 2014

China Issues New Map: Which shows They Really Are Imperialistic

The purple dash line represents China's borders
The Chinese government has issued a new map which shows the whole China's international border. A closer look at the map places its borders within the territorial limits of several countries in Southeast Asia.  Why be coy about the whole and just claim every country which borders the South China sea and be done with it.  How would the Chinese government react if, say the American's issued a map which showed they controlled all sea lanes west of the Northern Marianas. Do you really believe there wouldn't protests and accusations of imperialist intent on the part of the United States.

China's Communist Party is living in some kind  of delusional bubble if they believe that these countries will acquiesce to China control of land and seas they have a right to.

"This vertical map of China has important meaning for promoting citizens' better understanding of ... maintaining (our) maritime rights and territorial integrity," an unnamed official with the map's publishers told the newspaper.
China's foreign ministry said people should not read too much into the issuing of the new map.
"The goal is to serve the Chinese public. As for the intentions, I think there is no need to make too much of any association here," ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.
"China's position on the South China Sea issue is consistent and extremely clear. Our stance has not changed."
There's no need to read anything into China's claims of territory which clearly belongs to the nations China is this dispute with.

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