Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A round-up of LP staff picks of 2014 -video

Annual producers' special from Spain, Tunisia, Japan and Hong Kong It is the end of the year - and a chance for a recap of some of the stories The Listening Post has looked at in 2014. So the producers on the show have chosen a story they found most interesting and we have come up with a media medley of sorts.

Nic Muirhead went to Tunis to take a look at the country's post revolutionary media - to see whether the media is meeting the expectations of Tunisia in a post Ben Ali era.

The year that streets of Hong Kong erupted with pro-democracy protests, Meenakshi Ravi takes a look at how the mainland is reigning in the media.

Marcela Pizarro went to Spain to find out why 3 editors of the biggest papers were let go this year - and the challenges for the historic papers of record in times of crisis.

Will Yong explores that space for democracy to triumph - or for all hell to break lose - the online comments section.

And finally, Gouri Shama takes a look at how Japanese media has coverage the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster - and how well that coverage has served the public.

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