Friday, July 3, 2015

North Korean defector flees to Finland 'with evidence of chemical testing on humans'

The researcher left the country in June and said he plans to present his information to the EU parliament

North Korean biochemical weapons scientist has defected to Finland, taking with him gigabytes of information on human experiments that he plans to present to EU parliament.
The expert fled a research centre on the border of China on June 6 via the Philippines, a source from a North Korean human rights group told Yonhap news agency.
“His ostensible reason for defection is that he felt sceptical about his research,” they told Yonhap.
The 47-year-old told the human rights group that he took with him 15 gigabytes of information on human experiments being carried out at the laboratory he was working at.
He will present his information in front of the EU parliament later in July, Yonhap claimed.

Given North Korea's overall human rights record and that the United Nations has issued a report on the issue following a year long investigation it shouldn't surprise anyone if these claims are verified.

Malnutrition and kidnappings: broadcast that

North Korean statistics may not be reliable but tape measures, that show defectors to be between three and eight centimetres shorter than their South Korean couterparts, are.
The World Food Programme attributes this disturbing reality it on mass malnutrition, from one generation to another. Broadcast that.
Most of the scant information about North Korea comes from defectors and a tiny number of westerners who have been chewed up by the regime. The latest to write a book is Hyeonseo Lee. Broadcast that.
 Broadcast, too, the state’s history of kidnapping foreign nationals. In 1978 a Romanian artist, Doina Bumbea, was taken from Italy and forced to travel to North Korea. The best guess for the insane rash of kidnaps was to enhance the regime’s intelligence efforts. .
Once there, Doina was invited to marry James Dresnok, an American GI who had defected to the DPRK in the 1960s and the couple had two sons, Ted and James Jr. Blond-haired, blue-eyed young American-Romanians who speak English with a North Korean accent. Broadcast that.
Italian chef Ermanno Furlanis was flown to North Korea in 1997 at the height of the famine, which one estimate sayskilled between 600,000 and 2.5 million people, to cook for Kim Jong-il. He was given the finest ingredients flown in from the world’s most expensive shops, banquets of delight washed down with Barolo wine and Remy Martin. Broadcast that.

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