Saturday, November 21, 2015

Pricing the Planet (video)

Economists, bankers, investment funds and financiers are taking a huge interest in the environmental crisis. They say they can protect the planet their way - with money.

This two-part documentary investigates the declining state of our planet and whether a commercial approach can in fact save it.

We see how since the Industrial Revolution we have heavily depleted our natural resources, polluted the planet, and how we are now losing endangered species at an alarming rate.

To satisfy our current demands, we use the resources of one-and-a-half Earths. At this rate, by 2030, we'll be using resources equivalent to two-and-a-half Earths. Gilles Boeuf, president of the French National Museum of Natural History, tells us: "By 2048 the last fish will be pulled from the ocean."

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