Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dan Rather: Dropping bombs is easy, but it's not presidential

Veteran newscaster Dan Rather over the weekend reminded his colleagues in the media that dropping bombs is "easy" for Donald Trump but keeping peace is "what makes a person presidential."
While speaking with CNN host Brian Stelter on Sunday, Rather said that he was disturbed by the way cable pundits had covered Trump's missile strikes on Syria.
"They are saying President Trump has established himself as now -- quote -- presidential," Rather explained. "Dropping bombs, having missile strikes doesn't make one presidential."
"Just because a president exerts himself as commander-in-chief, there's a natural inclination -- and an unhealthy one -- to immediately say, 'Boy, that seems presidential, that makes him strong,'" he continued. "Look, it's easy to drop bombs, easy to put missiles off. What comes after that, really what comes in the wake of that is much more difficult."
George W. Bush ordered thousands of bombs dropped on Afghanistan and Iraq and yet more than 13 years after the beginning of military hostilities neither country is any closer to being stable.  America's media incapable of questioning the use of military force for fear of being branded un American  just went along for the ride.  The last two weeks have shown nothing has changed with reporters and commentators alike falling all over themselves praising Donald Trump and declaring him "presidential."  Donald Trump ordered those military strikes not out of any sense of duty or empathy.  He did it for the ratings.

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