Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Trump Calls For "Civility" In Politics

The irony of that statement must escape the orange sky god. A man who's called the journalists the enemy of the people, fake news, dishonest and promoters of violence.  He praised a current member of Congress for assaulting a journalist from the Guardian. Katy Tur, because of his attacks was forced to be escorted by the Secret Service due to threats of violence at various campaign events. 

President Donald Trump has called on people to be more civil in politics, after a series of suspected explosives were sent to high-profile US figures.
He was speaking after parcels were sent to CNN and top Democrats, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
None of the packages exploded. The FBI has launched a hunt for their sender.
The president's critics called his latest remarks hypocritical, as he often uses vicious language against his opponents and the press.
Speaking at a Wednesday night rally in Wisconsin, the president vowed to catch the perpetrator and called on the media to "stop endless hostility".
"Those engaged in political arena must stop treating political opponents as being morally defective," he said.
"No one should carelessly compare political opponents to historic villains, which is done often," he added.

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