Sunday, January 13, 2019

Anti-Trump, pro-war: An insider's critique of the US media

An NBC News reporter's resignation letter excoriates US media coverage of the foreign policy. Plus, conspiracy theories.

William Arkin: An insider's critique of the US media

When William Arkin, a veteran national security reporter with NBC and MSNBC, wrote his resignation email last week, he shared it with his colleagues.
It was then leaked to other news outlets. Among Arkin's criticisms of his former employer that by incessantly covering the presidency of Donald Trump, the network is being held hostage by Trump; that in its reflexively anti-Trump coverage, it has become even more promilitary; that NBC and MSNBC are now captives of the security state.
But American news consumers are tuning in to MSNBC, and its anti-Trump agenda, in record numbers. Armed with those kinds of ratings, what corporate-owned news channel would risk alienating its shareholders by changing tack?

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