Friday, January 11, 2019

Dear Americans: The 2nd Amendment Does't Apply In Japan

Once again, an American tried  entering Japan with either a firearm, the ammunition or both. Japan has strict firearms laws.   No matter what excuse you offer they're going to consequences.

An American woman who was found to be in possession of a pistol and bullets on a flight from Atlanta to Narita airport near Tokyo last week was denied entry to Japan, airport sources said Friday.
The woman, believed to be in her 30s, told Delta Air Lines crew during the flight that she had mistakenly brought the handgun and ammunition with her onto the plane, despite passing through security inspection at the southern U.S. airport, the sources said.
The cabin crew took the handgun from the woman until the plane's arrival on the afternoon of Jan 3, the sources said, adding that she apparently owned it for self-protection.
The woman returned to the United States the same day she arrived, they said.
The case follows an earlier one at Narita in which an American co-pilot was found to be in possession of live bullets during a security inspection before departing the Japanese airport on Dec 14, the sources said.

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