Sunday, May 31, 2020

National security adviser: 'I don't think there's systemic racism' in US police forces

Groups of heavily armed white men descend upon various state capitols to protest against the coronavirus lockdown. I some cases they try to force their way into legislative chambers and what was the response of the police? They just stood there and let it all happen.  George Floyd is accused of writing a bad check  and he dies in police custody. Remember he never resisted.  Brennan Taylor was asleep in her apartment when the Louisville police broke down the door to her apartment to serve an arrest warrant for a crime she was never involved and was shot 8 times by the police because her boy friend believed they were the victims of a home invasion and shot once at what he thought were the perpetrators. Breonna died.  They are just the latest African Americans to either be killed or physically assaulted by the police for the crime of simply being black.  To believe that there isn't systemic racism in the security services  is just being willfully naive.       

Robert O'Brien Donald Trump's National Security Adviser made the ridiculously stupid statement of the title while speaking with CNN's Jake Tapper.

  "No, I don't think there's systemic racism. I think 99.9% of our law enforcement officers are great Americans. Many of them are African American, Hispanic, Asian, they're working the toughest neighborhood, they've got the hardest jobs to do in this country and I think they're amazing, great Americans," O'Brien told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" when asked if systemic racism was a problem for police agencies.

If that were true African Americans wouldn't live in fear of the police simply because they are black.  Instead they have to be constantly vigilant where they police are concerned. As they know that any action could lead to physical harm. 

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