Tuesday, February 4, 2014

And The Stupid Flows Like a Mighty River

North Korea calls Abe 'Asian Hitler' This from a country that imprisons hundreds of thousands of people accused of various crimes. Also imprisoned are entire families and extended families.  So, who's the New Hitler?

NHK management committee member Naoki Hayakuta has decided after listening to records played backwards, consulting a magic 8 ball and a ouija board that the Nanjing massacre never took place.   Naturally the fools which populate the government of Shinzo Abe have no problem with this.

What's more important how textbooks are presented in the United States, specifically the state of Virginia or in your own country?  The governments of Japan and Korea have been waging a public relations battle in the U.S. state of Virginia over what name should be used to designate the body of water which separates the two nations.

Not knowing how textbooks are approved for students in America a group of Korean-American's created a petition on the White House website.  Never realising that textbook approval comes from the states.  

The mayor of Davao city the Philippines  Rodrigo Duterte  has threatened to kill  Davidson Bangayan if he were to show his face in the city because he's a known rice smuggler.  Mr. Duterte stated he would be happy to kill Mr. Bangayan.  How else does one resolve such problems. America's NRA would love this guy

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