Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Clueless Tourists of Thailand: Morons and Fools

So, you're on vacation in Thailand and the military throws a coup what's a tourist to do? Why keep on partying dude  and not give a shit that the military is rounding up journalists, academics and political leaders and tossing them into jail.  After all what's more important that hang over your working on, exploiting women, taking drugs or you're out right  indifference to the current situation in Thailand?

These people are just bunch of morons.

From beaches to Bangkok, tourists ask 'What coup?'

When Thailand's military staged a coup last week, Phil Koenighaus was on a beach enjoying the debauchery of the country's infamous "Half Moon" festival.
Not a soldier was in sight on the white sands of Koh Phangan and the raucous party that attracts revelers from around the world carried on for hours. After shaking off the effects of too much celebration, the German backpacker headed from the island to Bangkok, unfazed by the military takeover.
"I figured if I survived the Half Moon Party, I could go to Bangkok and brave the coup," said the 19-year-old, tanned and relaxed as he strolled through one of the capital's bustling bar and nightclub districts. "This is not how I imagined a coup."
So far, the drama of Thailand's military takeover has played out mainly in the political arena. As the army summons journalists and academics seen as anti-coup, detains ousted political leaders and issues stern warnings on TV, tourists are kicking back on the country's famed beaches and sightseeing in Bangkok. The main impact on visitors for now is a 10 p.m. curfew, which forces nightlife to close several hours earlier.
Dimbulb Phil Koenighaus the master of bravery believes that surviving the Half Moon festival is right up there with, I don't know?  Going to war.    

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